This shouldn’t be free… but somehow is?

Something this profound usually only happens once in a generation.

Something this profound usually only happens once in a generation.

Between AI, new technology, inflation, the economy, and all the crazy stuff in the outside world… it’s clear the rules of success have changed drastically from even just last year.

And this has created a massive opportunity to accelerate ahead or fall way behind.

Naturally, I want you to be a part of the group that gets ahead!

So I’ve been working behind the scenes with two amazing mentors, Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, to invite you to something BIG.

On June 13th - 15th they are doing an epic 3 day virtual LIVE event called “The Game Has Changed” with some amazing special guests where they are going to reveal their brand new 2024 playbook to meet the world where it’s heading and how you can tap into your next level of success in life, career & business.

An event with Tony & Dean usually costs between $397 to $797 a ticket but they have decided to stick with the theme of “changing the game” and are actually doing the entire 3-day event (About 3 hrs a day) absolutely free of charge.

No strings attached.

This is a rare opportunity to learn brand NEW strategies at the PERFECT time in history from two of the greatest mentors of our generation.

(Yes - I will be at the event all 3 days)

Tony and Dean have dedicated the majority of their lives to helping people from all walks of life - stay at home moms, accountants, yoga instructors, life coaches, business owners, fortune 500 CEOs and everyone in between - gain the right tactics, skills & expertise to truly thrive while others survive.

And just last week they shared that “In 2024, the game has changed. The rules of success have changed.

And we have to change too if we don’t want to be left behind.

People need to know the truth about this once in a generation opportunity.

So THAT is why I asked if I could please share a free ticket for this event with you.

And of course - they over delivered as usual.

Now is the time to get ahead of the wave that’s coming!

This is going to be fun


Get smarter on AI in 5 minutes a day.

The Rundown is the world’s largest AI newsletter, read by over 600,000 professionals from companies like Apple, OpenAI, NASA, Tesla, and more.

Their expert research team spends all day learning what’s new in AI and gives you ‘the rundown’ of the most important developments in one free email every morning.

The result? Readers not only keep up with the insane pace of AI but also learn why it actually matters.

Motivation Corner

Ever felt stuck in your daily grind?

You wake up and it's another bland day.

That 9-5 cycle can feel like a thick fog.

Hard to see through and tougher to get out of.

But here's a thought.

Your possibilities are as vast as your vision.

That vision, it waits for you to stretch it, shape it, and push its boundaries.

You've got this incredible power to extend your own horizon.

To break from the mundane and shoot for extraordinary.

This isn't just some pep talk.

I know because I’ve lived it.

I've felt the suffocation of 'routine' and worked hard to make that leap.

Real change?

It starts with a single step.

A decision to not just dream, but to act.

And yes, it’s scary.

But what’s scarier?


Watching potential fade into the backdrop of what could have been.

What Tony and Dean are offering above isn't about abandoning your current life, but enriching it.

Learning from legends like them, who’ve walked this walk and transformed millions of lives.

They’ve turned their insights into a blueprint for you.

A space to grow, connect, and leap beyond the conventional.

To not just hope for a vibrant future, but to create it.

Ready to reshape your tomorrow?

Begin your journey here.

Expand your horizons, meet your tribe, and start building a life you're thrilled to wake up to.