Strategies That Turned My Life Around

From fighting inner demons to living a joyful life

I used to drown my sorrows in bottles and bad decisions.

I was a mess, truly.

My depression and anxiety ruled me.

I thought drugs and booze were my only escape.

They became my nightly guests, my toxic friends.

Until 26 years ago.

That's when I quit.

The journey wasn't just rough; it was a climb from deep darkness.

Alongside sobriety, I wrestled daily with my inner demons and suicidal thoughts.

My mind was worse than a stormy sea.

Imagine managing major depression and anxiety without my crutches.

Sounds daunting, right?

It was.

But then, I found my lifesaver.

A mix of effective medications balanced me, keeping the darkest thoughts at bay.

Now, I live—really live.

Fully, joyfully.

I'm not merely existing. I'm thriving.

Life taught me a powerful lesson.

Our greatest challenges often lead to the most precious victories.

Like turning my mess into a message—a strategy for success.

I’ve been on a journey of self improvement, personal development and business development.

They all seem to go hand in hand.

But, why am I sharing all this with you today?

I really just want to know if you have interest in the same areas.

If you do, then do me a favor and reply back to this email sharing a little of your story if you could.

If you are reading this on my site, send me an email here with your feedback.

I have so many resources I can share but first I want to know if you care about any of it.

Looking forward to hearing from you.